This morning, I took Shio to the dog run next to the Museum of Natural History for a quickie play and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that there were only two chocolate labs (one puppy and one adult) frolicking in the big area. I thought, "Score!!! Now Shio can run and play as he pleases!"
Shio went in and sniffed around. Then he marked a few things. Then proceeded to run with the chocolate lab puppy. The lab puppy was about 50 lbs and a very goofy little girl. They chased each other around and ran... and ran... and ran. At which point I thought, "Score!!! Now Shio will be extremely tired by the time we get home!"
Their little game of tag was working well with Shio being "it" all the way up until the silly lab ran him over like a two ton bulldozer to which Shio cried for mercy and held up his front right paw. He cried... and cried... and cried while sitting still and holding up his limp paw. My Shiba owning friends that are reading this blog know that by cry, I mean SHIBA SCREAM. Under any other circumstances, I would say that he wailed like a banshee but I'm not sure that a banshee's wailing could compare to the infamous Shiba screams.
I ran over and checked his paw for anything that may have gotten stuck in between his paws. Nothing.
Stretched his paw out and to the side. Nothing.
Pushed on the paw as if to apply downward pressure. Nothing.
I let him go and called him over to me and he gimped over with his tail hanging down. Something.
I kept him in the dog run for another 5 minutes and he limped around for a little bit before bringing him home. We walked around our neighborhood before returning upstairs to our apartment and saw a friendly puppy who wanted to play. Shio felt a bit better by that point so he started playing back and hopping around as to antagonize the puppy. Waitaminute, hopping around?! There was nothing wrong with his paw or his leg! What a little drama queen!!!
Though I don't doubt that the initial shock of the tumble combined with awkwardly positioned paw during the fall made him scared enough to scream, I can not believe he screamed like that without a serious injury! I'm feeling very blessed that it wasn't anything serious but I'm so so so surprised. We haven't heard that scream for a year and thought he had grown out of it. Now, I sure hope he's not growing back into it!
Currently, he's resting from his overly dramatic morning: