It's been one year (yesterday) since we officially adopted Emi, formerly known as Goo Goo 2, from NYC Shiba Rescue!
Time seemed to fly a little quicker this year. Having two Shibas is really better than just one. Blog updates have been skinny thanks to the extra time spent cuddling with Emi instead of writing. Yes, she is a fake Shiba in many respects! We've also spent much time in training them and covered under mounds of Shiba fur.
I decided to cease the monthly updates for Emi midway through 2012 because the progress was more gradual and we did not want to bore you with mundane details. After one year with us, she is still a very nervous girl around other dogs. She still prefers to keep to herself and play with tennis balls or Shio. Her true self shines when she is at home with us. There are times where I wonder if she knows her name and we really haven't trained her with as many tricks as we taught Shio. She is not as intellectually stimulated as Shio is and is satisfied to simply be near us or play with squeaky things. We still want her to live a well-rounded life so we continue to introduce her to new dogs and people. I'm hopeful for progress but we will see how things unfold next year.
We've had many friends from the "twiba" community meet Emi this year during their visits to NYC and I'm confident to say that everyone understands how quickly we fell for her. She is an amazing creature and we adore her to pieces.
Thank you all for your support during the year!
We are working on creating a tradition for the holiday season. We want to continue to help raise money for the very same rescue that I volunteer at and rescued Emi from. NYC Shiba Rescue and their volunteers have selflessly saved many Shibas in 2012 and accumulated debt from veterinary care from this year alone, especially after helping a sweet girl named Layla. Contrary to popular belief, the adoption fee for NYC Shiba Rescue at the time of adoption does not cover the full cost of vet care for foster dogs in most cases. It was only after I started volunteering that I realized this! Last year we raised $250 - let's aim for the same amount this year! Every dollar and cent counts and we want to help raise some to help!
For each comment that is left for this post from now until noon Shio's birthday 12/24, we will donate $5 to NYCSR.*
All comments are welcome! INCLUDING multiple comments from one household. We just want you to come by for a quick hello and update us on your lives. The holiday season is always so busy and it's nice to take a minute just to reconnect.
If you've been bitten by the happy holiday bug like we have, please consider also donating to NYC Shiba Rescue through this link: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/nycsr/layla
Also, don't forget to follow us on on twitter! @shiotheshiba and @emitheshiba
*maximum $250