Happy Shibamas!

We typically go away for Shibamas / New Year and have not been around to celebrate. So this year, we decided to stay home and hang with our pups and family. We were even able to participate in this year's Secret Shiba! Thanks to Tokyo and her pawrents, our secret Shiba, for the wonderful gift box. They were super thoughtful in every aspect of the gifting process, starting with picking out gifts for Emi even though we didn't register her as a secret Shiba because she was a foster at the time. They picked out Ugly toys and toy balls that matched out living room decor (bright pink and yellow-orange) and found out favorite treats! The wrapping paper and gifts are even color-coordinated to match! Humans even received delicious limited-edition Godiva chocolates for the holidays! What thoughtfulness!

Our favorite was the "I <3 Tokyo" and Tokyo's pictures plastered all over the outside of the package. I literally laughed out loud when I opened the door and the mail man was holding this crazy adorable package for our Shibas.

We learned a valuable lesson from Tokyo's seasoned #secretshiba skills that we will integrate for our next year's gift exchange: Use tissue paper so that the puppies can shred open their own gifts!

Merry Shibamas everybody!!

Photos taken with Leica M9, Summicron-M 35mm f/2.