Montauk: Day 3

Day 3 - Monday, January 20:

Last day in Montauk! 

We went out for a pancake breakfast and headed out for our last adventure before driving home. 

The destination was Camp Hero State Park, the former location for Montauk Air Station and rumored to be location for military experiments one of which includes time travel! This park was donated to the state after and opened to the public in 2002. We parked at the first fisherman's parking lot and looked over the hoodoo cliffs. The drop off for the cliffs were steep so it is advised not to stand to close to the edge!

We then found our way to the Battery 113 trail and hiked for 20 minutes to reach Battery 113 and the radar tower. The trail was not very worn but there were clear trail markers (the photo below of me with the dogs shows the bright orange dot tacked onto the tree). At the end of the trail was Battery 113, built during WWII as a concrete coastal gun battery. Nearby was the AN/FPS-35 Radar, the centerpiece of the Montauk Project conspiracy. The radar was decommissioned but not torn down because boaters preferred it was a landmark over the Montauk Point Light.

We took the bluff overlook path back to our car's location hurriedly after other visitors arriving at Camp Hero asked us if we saw zombies.


Montauk was one of the best road trips we've taken so far and we were sad to go so soon. We left much to explore and can't wait to go back!

Posted details about the first two days in Montauk:
Montauk Day 1
Montauk Day 2

Photos taken with Sony A7 + Summicron-M 35mm f/2.