South Street Seaport

Despite the rain overnight, we took the pups to South Street Seaport on Sunday as the weather turned for the better. 


Emi, for some reason, was deathly scared of the cracks in the pavement. She sniffed them for a long time and hopped over them with her tail down...

We did not know that at the Seaport there is what is called the "Smorgasbar" -- we saw some familiar food stalls there, including Red Hook Lobster Bar.  


After lunch, we took a brief stroll around the neighborhood. The sun came out and the puppies got pretty hot. They were pretty tired by the time we got back to our car.


Photos taken with Fuji X-E1 + XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4. 

Shio and Friends

This morning, Shio met up with all his best friends at the beach. 

Too bad he was having a bit of a stomach issue, but otherwise it would have been a great time for him. 


Photos taken with Olympus OM-D E-M5 + M. Zuiko 75mm f/1.8.

P.S. This lens is one of the best lenses I have used on any camera system, ever. Definitely worth buying if you have the m4/3 system. 

Fire Island (Ocean Bay + Seaview)

Since everybody (humans and shibas) had such a good time last week, we decided to venture to another part of Fire Island this weekend. 

The pups were super excited, as usual. They also were very good at getting on and off the ferry, and probably knew that fun was waiting at the end of the ride.


Once at the beach, the pups played and played and played. The weather was perfect: not too sunny, not too hot, and slightly breezy. 


Shio found a white plastic ball -- one that he ended up loving. He would chase after it every time we threw it. When, by accident, the ball rolled close to the wavefront, a very funny sequence happened...


True to their nature, none of the shibas wanted to get wet. Shio was actually very brave, but got wet that one time. After that though, he learned to time the waves and knew how to go get the ball without getting wet. We were all very impressed. 

We went to Ocean Beach to get some lunch, and hung out for a while before heading back to Ocean Bay for the ferry back to Long Island. 


On the way back, Emi got so thirsty that she even drank out of the plastic bottle (she never does!). 

All in all, another great day. 

Photos taken with Fuji X-E1 + XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4.