Pureed Pumpkin

I've been adding pureed pumpkin into Shio's food regularly since we received a helluva bargain deal on them last month through Amazon. $1/can can't be beat for organic pumpkin! Plus, it's so difficult to find them out of season. I checked on Amazon today for the same product that's advertised specifically for dogs, it is $2.50-3 for organic pureed pumpkin cans.

What kind of fools do these dog food companies take us for?

Doggie Moms

When I heard about this show at first I thought, "HEY! I'm a doggie mom. I live in NYC. I totally integrate my dog into my everyday life outside of dog runs! I can so relate to this show!" Then, I read a summary of the show here: http://www.zootoo.com/petnews/doggiemomssetfortvdebut-1773

First thought: REALLY?!?!

There are so many amazing things you can do to promote shelter and breed awareness but it this... does not look like any of that. It looks like there will be a parade of purebred dogs in dresses prancing around on stages and at parties. Maybe the lovechild show of Westminster x Toddlers and Tiaras.

Shio does not approve.